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Impact Factor - 0.263



Акционизм в искусстве ХХ века: генезис и становление

В.О. Петров



Psychological characteristics of attention formation in junior school age students

N.S. Abdullaeva

Conflict resistance - as a constructive way of interaction

D.E. Mirzabdullayeva

Psychological problems of primary school students

M.A. Abdullaeva



Literature - mirror of public life

E.Kh. Ganieva



Pedagogical skills of the teacher in the training of musical education

T.S. Davlatov

The role of modern information technologies in improving the quality of education

Sh.Ya. Razhabova, E.Ya. Razhabov

Use of interactive teaching methods in Russian lessons

D.K. Yarasheva, N.R. Ravshanova

Factors of formation of reading culture in the family

Z.T. Koraboyeva

Усвоение новых технологий при изучении предмета «Начертательная геометрия»

Ф.А. Абдурахимова, А.А. Каримов, А. Ахмадбекова

Mental education technologies in reading lessons

A.Kh. Egamova, S.S. Ashurova

Ways of formation of mental education at free time from employment

N.A. Mazhidova, G.B. Murodova

Process of work on artwork

M.M. Imomova, Z.Z. Shodmonova

Private mathematics training technique

N.Ya. Radzhabova, F.S. Narzullaeva

Uzbek language teaching methodology

G.Sh. Nazarova, A.A. Ashurova

Influence of human qualities on child education and its scientific and theoretical basis

A.A. Abdullayev

Criteria for the development of professional skills in the students of higher education institutions

S.U. Hakimov

About varieties of teaching methods in math classes in elementary grades

M.K. Kuchkarov

Pedagogical culture of the university teacher

M.H. Tojiaxmedova

The criteria for the organization of the educational process in higher education

M.M. Mirabdullaev

Methods and techniques of teaching music lessons

E.M. Tojiboev

Ways to activate the cognitive activity of students in the process of musical education

G.O. Toshmatov

Continuity of environmental education and educational processes

M.A. Ibroximov

Quality of education - in vocational education

A.M. Matkarimov

Ways to improve the quality of education in primary school

M.J. Teshabaeva, A.U. Normirzaeva

Development of cognitive skills of junior school age students in modern education

G.M. Mukhiddinova, R.A. Karimova

Teacher leadership

M.M. Karimova



The role of the automotive industry in the development  of the country's economy. (on the example of foreign countries with developed automotive industry)

M.A. Ibroximov


Информационные технологии

The concept of information security and on measures to ensure it

Z.J. Aliyeva


Open Access

Содержание выпуска




УЧЁНЫЙ XXI ВЕКА (2019). 10-2 (57)





Creative Commons License

DOI: 10.15350/24103586.2019.10-2